Membership Information


  1. The applicant must submit a complete personal martial arts history and background information about all past instructors and training. One must also send in copies of all rank certifications up to the current rank. One must also submit a tape (cd) of demonstration and/or presentation of one’s skill that best highlights the present skill level. (Any additional information or recommendations will be requested by Kido if necessary.).

  2. After all the material is reviewed by WKF, the applicant will be notified of the decision. If the applicant receives approval from WKF, we will send the necessary applications and information on the fee structure and the applicant will need to return the necessary paper, fee and four photos.


Head instructors who are members of the World Kido Federation many register their schools and receive the benefits of being a Kido registered school. Non-members may not register.

  1. The Head Instructor must complete a School Membership Application and send it to the WKF.

  2. The Head Instructor must agree to and sign the World Kido Federation Dojang Pledge.

  3. The Head Instructors must enclose the registration fee.

To join, please contact our social media pages, or email